The Awesomest Picture of Larry Craig and George W. Bush:

No, those aren't shirt-wearing dick dolls the President of the United States is
holding. Those are the even gayer Spuddy Buddies. That's the absolutely, positively not gay Senator Larry Craig there on the left. With oddly named Senator Mike Crapo and lesbian cartoon character-named Congressman Butch Otter, along with Congressman Mike Simpson. It's a picture from 2005 at Tamarack Resort in Idaho.
Pop quiz: who looks gayest?
And As Long As We're Posting Fun Larry Craig Pictures:

That's from July 4 of this year. The ironically named (for Craig) "Independence Day," where, as Craig
writes on his Senate website, "American soldiers have been sacrificing to bring the freedoms we celebrate on this special day to millions of people who have known nothing but oppression and fear." Yep, freedom for everyone except homosexuals, especially those who are so self-loathing that they gotta try to get action in a public shithouse.
Still, two soldiers and no smell of piss and Lysol? Larry Craig's bestest day ever? The Rude Pundit just reports.