For instance, here's, which focuses in on the important details - whether or not Clinton improperly blamed the attack on a YouTube video in the immediate aftermath of the violence. You might think that security matters would be more important than figuring out if Susan Rice knowingly lied to some Sunday talking heads, but, fuck you, Libya lover:
Over at Glenn Beck's Internet Bedpan, The Blaze, sweaty backwoods inbred piglet Trey Gowdy was the star of the show:
The conservative latrine hole known as RedState apparently knows something that even Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to know except you know she totally knew it because some doughy right-wing compulsive masturbators said she does:
The Rude Pundit has said it before and will say it again: Sometimes, he doesn't even think we exist in the same reality, like we're just dimensions, side-by-side, diametrically opposed, reality and bizarro world.