
For Thanksgiving: A Navajo Prayer:
This is the final section of a lengthy shaman's prayer, when the spiritual man and the physical man are united. It seems appropriate, given how much we've talked about abstract concepts like "hope" and the "future," ideas we seem to have neglected for the better part of a decade. Chant this over your turkey and look to 2009:

To my feet I have returned,
To my limbs I have returned,
To my body I have returned,
To my mind I have returned,
To the dust of my feet I have returned,
To my saliva I have returned,
To my hair I have returned.

My feet are restored to me,
My limbs are restored to me,
My body is restored to me,
My mind is restored to me,
The dust of my feet is restored to me,
My saliva is restored to me,
My hair is restored to me.

The world before me is restored in beauty
The world behind me is restored in beauty
The world below me is restored in beauty
The world above me is restored in beauty
All things around me are restored in beauty
My voice is restored in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty