
Why Does Conservative Spooge Bucket Kevin McCullough Hate Women? (Part 2):
If you ever want to figure out how deeply in the closet any male friend of yours is, use the following sentences from Kevin McCullough as a baseline: "Some women will be offended by the observation but most will agree, women do not vote according to what they know. They tend instead to vote based on intuition. They get 'a feeling' about a candidate and that's what they trust." If your closeted male friend disagrees with it, he might be ready to come out. If he agrees even a little, that fucker's so far in the back of the closet that he's pushing his spine into the plaster. And if your friend's sucking your dick, then, well, he's come to terms with his sexuality. What's doubly sad about McCullough is that he tries so hard to be such a toughie. What's triply sad is that he tries to be smart. What's quadruply sad is that he fails on every account.

See, McCullough is commenting on Hillary Clinton's campaign and suggesting that conservative nutzoid talk radio hosts back off her because it'll solidify her lead, a lead that's based on how stupid icky women are: "Hillary has understood this better than anyone else. Her consistent campaign 'story' of 90 year old women 'remembering when they didn't have the right to vote' and 'determined to live until they see a woman president' has been thoroughly mocked by talk radio for its lack of believability. Which is true - no one believes Hillary is being swarmed by a bunch silver-haired Susan B. Anthonys." You know what's awesome about that section? How McCullough acts as if he's quoting Clinton, even gussying the whole thing up with quotation marks, but strangely, the only person one can find with that quoted quote that women are staying alive just to elect her is McCullough.

And what woman does McCullough turn to for support on this? A noted sociologist and determined practitioner of self-abasing cuntistry: "Ann Coulter recently confided to me off air - that she would gladly give up her vote because she is tired of using her informed knowledge of candidate selection being overridden by four to five other women who could not even name all of the candidates running for President, much less identify what they stand for." There ya go. Because women might vote for Hillary Clinton, Coulter thinks women should surrender their right to vote.

Let's just get this straight: every presidential election year we have to go through the ridiculous, putrid ritual of which male candidate is most muy macho. Whether it's John Kerry hunting, or George W. Bush clearing brush, or Michael Dukakis in a tank, or other such shit. Right now, the Republicans are engaged in a cock-size exhibition over who is the most bloodthirsty motherfucker of the right. Why? Because they're appealing to fuckin' reason and good judgment in men? Christ, why the fuck are we even discussing this?

Oh, yeah, because of Kevin McCullough and his strange need to lash out at women on a regular basis, as if they get something he's jealous that he can't get, which would be, you know, fucked by men (if, of course, the women are straight). And because there's no fucker like a motherfucker, McCullough's got a kicker in his column: "The only group less rational in its voting patterns than women are African Americans who consistently elect people who keep them poor, keep them uneducated, and keep them killing their own. It should be noted - Hillary does exceptionally well with that demographic as well."

Ah, in McCullough's world, the stupid women are stupid and the stupid darkies are stupider. And he might be right if he wasn't so wrong - utterly, completely, sadly, misogynistically, racistly wrong. As Reuters points out today, not a day after McCullough's column came out: "Many American women are excited about Democrat Hillary Clinton's ground-breaking bid for the White House, but feminists warn she can't count on them just because she's a woman."

And that's probably not counting noted women's rights advocate Ann Coulter.