(Big update: Komen just announced it will reverse its decision and continue to give grants to Planned Parenthood. Expect a conservative orgasm of rage in 3...2...1)
Here's a picture of award-winning actress and breast cancer survivor Cynthia Nixon speaking at the Susan G. Komen Foundation's Race for the Cure in 2008:

Here's a picture of award-winning actress and breast cancer survivor Cynthia Nixon attending a celebration/fundraiser for Planned Parenthood (with Julianne Moore):

However could she do that? Was she tricked into supporting two organizations who now are opposed to each other? And whatever will she do now, especially since she's playing a cancer patient on Broadway?
Oh, right, Cynthia Nixon is a major supporter of Planned Parenthood because, you know, why the hell wouldn't you be? See, Planned Parenthood does nothing to harm women while the Komen Foundation just did, even if right-wingers want to make it seem as if Nixon herself wants to abort bunches of babies.
(Note: The comments at the Komen Foundations's own message board are totally fascinating - and massively opposed to the charity's decision to end its grant-giving to Planned Parenthood, with many women who feel betrayed raging against the once-beloved Komen for the Cure. One suspects that Nixon feels much the same.)