Haiku Review of 2024: Slow Haikus
Haiku Review of 2024: What We Do in the Haiku
Haiku Review of 2024: Some Haiku Somewhere
Haiku Review of 2024: 20th Anniversary of Reducing the Fuckery to a Size We Can Handle
That's right. Back in 2004, I did my own review of the year through the delicate poem with the incisive power of a stiletto made of metaphor. Then rude readers started sending me their own, which led to me just saying, "Well, fuck it. Join in." And you have joined in, emailing, at this point, over a thousand of the little bastards. So let's do it again. For the twentieth goddamn time. Let's skullfuck this bullshit year with haiku.
The deal is the same as it ever was. I'm a stickler for the form: three lines of 5 syllables, then 7, then 5 again. But the subject is wide open. Be serious, be stupid, be your incredible or fucked up you. Email them to rudepundit at yahoo dot com. Whichever ones make me laugh or make me cry or get me all hot and throbbing or some combination of two or three of those will be published on the blog. I'm the only judge here, and I'm probably drunk right now, so no insult if you don't get in.
Give it a title. And include some name and place, like "F. B. from Trumpwillfuckusover, Alabama" or "Jackie from Tucson" (I'll miss you, What We Do in the Shadows) or "Elon's Burning Tesla from NYC."
Here's a few for inspiration:
The Rude Pundit's Annual Nativity-palooza, Now with Bonus Cultural Insensitivity
Before Threads, Twixter, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, Buzzfeed, and many other places you can get your fix of weird shit, I posted this Christmas blast back in 2004, updated yearly with new bits of freakishness (some links might not work anymore, but they were or are all real and unironic):
Xmas - And, lo, a small teddy bear will lead them:
In the days before Christmas, the Rude Pundit roamed his neighborhood, looking at the displays in the charming stores and corner markets. There he saw the agony of so many dichotomous feelings about this holiday. One window had a kneeling, praying Santa next to a baby Jesus in the manger. Santa's hat was off. He was balding. Another display had the jolly old fat man landing his sleigh and reindeer on the roof of the manger. Surprisingly, neither Mary nor Joseph seemed rattled by the noise, although a camel was looking upward, as if asking, "What the fuck?" The Rude Pundit loved that camel.
Ah, sweet camel, what the fuck, indeed. Christ and commerce, Alleluia. The Savior has been born and he thanks you for your presents. Santa showing that he'll even honor the king of the Jews in the land of Islam. There's no telling what it means (and don't get all up in the Rude Pundit's face about St. Nicholas). Except this: we want to embrace both things, good deconstructionists that we are: Santa, who soothes our greed, and Jesus, who promises us peace. Either way, we want them both to tell us we're good people, nice people. And, of course, guilt-ridden Christians want to make sure that Santa toes the party line, you know.
For the holiday, here's a few of my favorite nativity sets, none of which are intended to be mocking of the event:

That right there is the Veggie Tales Nativity. In case you don't know, Veggie Tales are cute vegetables who love Christ and salad tossing. The newborn savior up there is a carrot. Get it? A baby carrot? What a delight.

Holy shit, that bear nativity is one of the creepiest fucking things I've ever seen. Staring straight ahead with their dead eyes, it looks like a satanic cult sacrifice to some horrible bear-demon. Although, the three wise bears have provided snacks for the blood rite: salmon, honey, and berries. All go well with cub entrails.
That goddamn nightmare fuel isn't a lab experiment gone horrible awry. It's a bunch of white mice with eyes so wide they look like someone laced some cheese with meth and let the little bastards go crazy. It's gonna be horrible when baby Jesus mouse gets crucified in trap.
And then there's the baby nativity:
You might think, "Oh, that's adorable. What's so wrong with it?" To which I can only inform you that the implication of it is that a baby Mary shoved a baby Jesus out of her baby vagina.
And to all a good night.
Oh, wait. What's that you say? You think that last one was kind of a weak one to end on? Well, then, fuck you. Here's the Day of the Dead nativity:
Yeah, you might think they're singing Christmas carols, but they're all screaming in horror and pain. Essentially, that's Christmas in the time of MAGA and Covid.
Oh, wait. What's that? Those aren't that bad after all we've suffered? Then how about these terrifying motherfuckers:
Merry Christmas, baby. Let's just get out of this year alive. May George Bailey finally get to push Mr. Potter into the frozen river.
(Note: Previous editions of the nativity post have included the Zombitivity, Dogtivity, the Boyd's Bears Nativity, and the Rubber Duck...oh, fuck, you get the idea.)
The Immigrant "Invasion" Is Just WMDs All Over Again
There is no immigrant invasion at the southern border of the United States. That needs to be said at the outset any time you wanna talk about What's Wrong With Our Country. No matter how many times people say it, no matter how much it's covered, no matter even if elected Democrats agree, it's simply not true. The immigration system in this country is broken but that's because Republicans have refused to fund the courts needed to quickly process asylum claims and other cases.
The idea of an immigrant "invasion," as Donald Trump (who we really elected president for a second time - I know, it's fucked up, right?) puts it constantly, has one purpose, and that's to scare the public with a lie so that a cabal of power-mad assholes can remake the nation to suit their warped, contorted viewpoints. That should sound incredibly familiar for those of us with brains that actively remember shit more than a tweet-cycle old.
It's weapons of mass destruction all over again.
Oh, sweet children of America, you need to know that in the scary months after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (that's the "9/11" you hear about every year, in case you weren't born yet or are fucking dumb), the administration of President George W. Bush decided that the nation of Iraq needed to be attacked and remade as a "democracy," free of its dictator Saddam Hussein. The fact that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks and the fact that the dictator of the country that did have a great deal to do with them, Saudi Arabia, was apparently off-limits was not something you were allowed to say openly lest you be labeled anti-American. Besides, we were assured, endlessly, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, big missiles, perhaps nukes, shit that could fuck up, say, Israel or even our allies in Europe or maybe even the USA itself. So we had to invade Iraq, take it over, and prevent the mad leader of the country from unleashing hell on the earth. In 2002, the president was given blanket authorization to use military force against Iraq by a bipartisan vote in both houses of Congress. Again and again, we were told that we needed to bomb the fuck of the country to prevent a mushroom cloud over DC. Anyone who disputed that idea was treated as a traitor, even if you were a veteran. Ads were run declaring your support of terrorists if you dared say that WMDs (as the shorthand went) were a lie. The foreign policy and economic policy of the United States was remade around the goals of eliminating WMDs and turning Iraq into a shining example of freedom in that region of the world. If that sounds weird and hyperbolic, if anything, I'm understating how this shit went.
And, of course, it was all a lie. There weren't WMDs. The whole thing was bullshit, but two-thirds of Americans believed Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Two-thirds believed the WMD lie. All of them were wrong (I could say, "All of you were wrong" since I was right, but I don't wanna be smug about it), but Democrats and Republicans leaned into the lie because of the fear of opposing such a huge part of the population. Nearly three-quarters of the country supported the war, which eventually changed to over half coming around to saying it was mistake. But the damage was done to Iraq and to the US, even if the defeat of the GOP in 2008 was one of the outcomes of the entire fucktastrophe.
Of course, since we're Americans, we're damned to repeat every goddamned mistake in an endless cycle, and while we're not being lied into war this time (although there's weird talk about sending troops into Mexico), we are once again watching policy decisions being made that will wreck millions of lives because of hysteria over a lie that has caught fire.
So not only did Donald Trump run and arguably win on his unending declarations of "the greatest invasion in history" happening at the US-Mexico border, but it's become a standard line for every Republican in office at all levels. And Democrats have joined in, going from accusing Republicans of stoking fears with their rhetoric to campaigning on the very restrictions that the anti-immigration right wants. Hell, even some supposedly left-leaning pundits have used Trump's language. And, again, it's all a lie. I don't want to go into all the ways it's a lie (like the fact that the majority of undocumented people came into the country legally and just stayed).
Like the WMD lies, this lie serves a policy purpose and it's not just to get the rubes all heated up to vote for fascists, although that worked pretty fuckin' well. The very word "invasion" is important because a declaration of an invasion could be a pretext for Trump using the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to get the military involved in rounding up and deporting anyone who is undocumented. Beyond that nightmare, making everyone believe that the hottentots are rampaging through the border in order to pillage our villages and rape our dogs and murder our women or whatever the fuck puts a violent justification on policies that are simply ignorance and racism, stopping the Great Replacement and White Genocide and that kind of bullshit that gets Trump, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and Elon Musk all hard and throbbing.
And, like invading Iraq (and that was really an invasion), billions of dollars will be spent to act on this lie. It will enrich a few loyal companies who get the contracts to build the detainment camps. It will cause wanton violence as every armed fucknut jonesing to go nutzoid on their immigrant neighbors tries to "help." And, eventually, it will fail as people realize what a horrific clusterfuck of family separation, caged children, and decimated workforces is doing to the country.
What can be done now is for Democrats to stop giving in to the Trump language on immigration. Leave that shit to Fox "news" and it's devolved descendants. Let shitheel podcasters scream into the void about migrant caravans or whatever. We've already ceded so much ground by allowing the GOP to exploit every story of a migrant committing a crime. How about instead talking about how migrants are mistreated and killed. How about showing some goddamn strength instead of going along with the raging pitchfork-waving mob? Put out some torches instead of helping to light them.
Maybe, just maybe, we can stop this lie before it fucks things up as badly as the last lie.
Sorry, CNN and MSNBC, But It's Not Us. It's You
I haven't watched CNN or MSNBC for a single second in the month since the 2024 presidential election. I've been a loyal viewer of CNN pretty much since it started, through the bullshit times of enforced patriotism, like the first Gulf War or after 9/11, and through the transition from being a news channel to being, in its current state, an extended talk show, one long episode of The View or the Sunday political chat fests, with occasional breaks for a news story.
With MSNBC, I've had a more tortured relationship, vacillating between appreciating the early weirdness of the channel as it featured shows hosted by liberals like Phil Donahue and crazed conservatives like Pat Buchanan, to being a semi-regular viewer of Keith Olbermann and an occasional guest on Ed Schultz's show. But as it descended into a kind of smug insider party with smirky outrage expressed in the most pin-headed way possible, it lost me. And not just because of Morning Joe. I've never been able to handle the most recent primetime lineup, probably since the failure of Mueller Report to do anything that it was hyped to do by the hosts on that lineup.
And these things are relationships. We build up trust with the hosts we choose or the network we watch. You see that in the fervent devotion of Fox "news" viewers who refuse to believe anything that's related to "reality" without getting the okay from the Fox fucknut brigade. One dear friend of mine had MSNBC on pretty much all day, every day, whenever she was home. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were her morning coffee klatch and she didn't go to bed until she heard the history lesson that Rachel Maddow was dishing out. But not anymore. She's also gone cold turkey.
We on the left that still watched the corporate media's news networks had a kind of deal in our heads: we'll put up with your bullshit as long as, at the end of the day, we're on the right side of history. In the last few years, that meant tolerating the deranged bothersiderism that pretended that anything Hunter Biden was remotely equal to a single hour of the criminality of Donald Trump. That means watching CNN bring on guests and analysts who were objectively despicable human beings who regularly lied. Sorry, but a rational news organization wouldn't invite back anyone who said the 2020 election was stolen. That's fucking deranged and the people who believe it should be treated as such, up to and including Trump. And I'm not even talking about the regular awful conservative jizz spewers like Scott Jennings.
But we hung in there because we got our fix of appalling acts by Trump and his administration and then the MAGA freaks when Trump was out of office. And they were covered like the appalling acts they are. And it was good enough. For a while, that is.
In the 2024 election, on CNN, we watched as every outrageous thing that Trump said he would do if reelected and every crime that he was on trial for and every horrible fucking cretin in his circle and every consolidation of oligarchic power around him was simply another story and not anything abnormal or alarming. To an extent, with Trump's vows about controlling the media, CNN was reporting on its own destruction with the objectivity of a crazy person recording his observations of the scenery after leaping off a tall building. And, I mean, just fuck you for the act of faux balance. If someone is about to kill you and you've got access to a gun, you don't discuss the ethics of gun ownership in the United States and the propagation of violence because of it. No, you shoot the fucking gun and explain yourself later. Journalism had a responsibility to prevent Trump from getting reelected because it's a check on unchecked power, which Trump promises to wield. If you are part of a democratic system and exist because of that democratic system, then when something is going to tear down that system, you deal with it like a threat. Instead, we got more yahoo safaris where Trump voters were interviewed as if their fucking stupidity was down-home wisdom.
On MSNBC, it was arguably worse because they were attempting to fight the good fight but in the most annoying way possible: by assuming that everyone was terminally online. It said what we wanted to hear, just feeding an anti-Trump emotional algorithm that was satisfying as hell, but ultimately was worthless. (Again, I find MSNBC mostly unwatchable, but your mileage may vary.)
Since the election, ratings have plummeted for CNN and MSNBC, which is to be expected to an extent, but usually the falloff post-election is across the board as people pay attention to other shit. However, Fox "news" is gaining viewers, and, of course, the mad motherfuckers there are crowing about it.
But this isn't about ratings. It's about a very real feeling that we were abused and hoodwinked into a belief about the election that simply wasn't true. To an extent, that's on us. We wanted to cling to the hosts and guests who declared that they thought the polls were way off and Harris would win in a blow-out. But we have to live with ourselves. We don't have to live with the people who fostered that fantasy.
And with the frightened voices of Joe and Mika talking about how they flew to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump's voluminous ass echoing in our ears, with CNN reporting on family separation policy as if it's the same as a new tax on Corn Flakes, with the shift in the reporting on the economy to emphasize how great it is as opposed to the gloom and doom of the pre-election period, with the pretense of objectivity and the mask of fairness making the monstrous innocuous, with the billionaires who own the mass media desperate to kowtow to the incoming fascist regime, I can't figure out a single reason to go back to my decades-long addiction.
I've kicked you out, CNN and MSNBC. You fucked it all up and now I'm fucking done. Get your shit together or just disappear.
Note to Democrats: We Have to See You Fight, Even If It's a Losing Cause
Since the (re)election of Donald Trump, it's natural that Democrats would engage in some self-reflection. Of course, it's not like Republicans did that after Trump lost in 2020 and then tried to overthrow the election. But, you know, if you're a rational group of humans, you reassess after you lost and think about what you could do better. Perhaps you come up with some new ways to inspire voters. Perhaps you think about the running of campaigns and methods. Maybe you even figure out how to present your party's beliefs in a way that makes more sense.
You know what you don't do? You don't cry, "Uncle" for an extended period of time while punching yourself in the face repeatedly. You don't decide that the real solution to your failure to move the needle the two percent it might have taken to win is to abandon your values and to turn your back on the rhetoric you used throughout the campaign about Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. You don't throw people and movements under the bus. And you don't, you absolutely don't offer a helping hand and any words of encouragement or praise for a man who you declared a "fascist" and a "Nazi" and a criminal and a rapist whose return to power would mark the end of American democracy and would plunge the world into chaos.
But that's exactly what Democrats have been doing. From Joe Biden, who is still president, acting chummy with Trump at the White House to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis praising the lunatic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to Bernie freakin' Sanders starting a tweet about the Pentagon budget with "Elon Musk is right." You know what you call someone who is willing to work with fascists? I don't think I even have to answer that.
Sanders has been extra odious, saying that the election results were because Democrats "abandoned working class people." Then you add in Democrats like rank opportunists Reps. Seth Moulton and Tom Suozzi blaming their party for refusing to condemn the extraordinarily rare occurrence of transgender girls playing in girls sports in high school, with Suozzi saying that the party was "pandering to the far left." Look, I don't think Kamala Harris ran a flawless campaign at all, but one thing you cannot say about her or the Biden administration is that they didn't do anything for the working class or that they did anything about transgender rights. It's simply false on both accounts. And it's giving Republican lies credence instead of saying what's really true, which is that Trump won because people believed his falsehoods, not because he was telling any hard truths. You have to be willing to tell people who voted against you that they're wrong, not that you're wrong.
What Democrats are missing right now is that we, the base, desperately need to see them out there fighting. Yes, there has been some strong condemnation of Trump's alarming parade of criminals, predators, freaks, and con artists as nominees to cabinet and other offices. But that's not enough to rally us because lemme tell you something, Democratic leadership, we're hurting. We're watching as the cases against Trump for genuinely serious crimes (like, you know, leading a coup and stealing top secret documents) disappear. We're watching as the other cases are ground down in proceedings that will likely end with dismissal. We're waiting for the Biden administration to go into overdrive for not just judicial appointments, but for things like renewal of Temporary Protected Status for hundreds of thousands of migrants.
But even that's not enough. One of the things that Republicans did successfully when they were out of power was fight and fight, even if they were losing battles, like the constant effort to overturn the Affordable Care Act. And I know you're tired, Democrats in office. God, we voters are, too. But we're angry, and you're giving us nothing to focus our anger and our desire to resist.
Right now, I'd love to see some Hail Mary passes from the Biden administration. I want to see him grant blanket immunity to every migrant who has applied for asylum and to pardon all the Dreamers and give them a path to citizenship. I want to see him try one more time to come up with a way to do away with student loan debt. I want him to commute the sentences of every federal prisoner on death row so that Trump can't come in and start executions again.
And I want to see Democrats go for it on whether or not Trump is ineligible to take office under the 14th Amendment's prohibition on anyone having committed insurrection from being president.
I know, I know, I know these are all causes that are likely doomed to fail (except for the commutation of sentences, which is totally within the president's power). But losing causes also draw a line in the sand; they clarify what you believe in and what your opponents believe, and they show that you are willing to fight, even when the odds are against you. That gets people ready to go again when the 2026 midterms come around: we can see what's possible if power is shifted, we can get the messaging tested and strong, and we can see you're not just laying down your arms.
Even on a symbolic level, I want to see the groveling before Trump to stop. No Democrat should go to the inauguration. By going, you are ignoring his lies, and you might believe you are honoring the American tradition of peaceful transfer of power, but you're actually giving aid and comfort to someone who ended that tradition. You're forgiving a criminal who has show no remorse and you're abandoning everything that Democrats have fought against for the last decade And for what? For the hope that he maybe won't set a Kash Patel-led FBI after you for having opposed him? For a moment of his idiot hordes not inundating your offices with death threats? Being decent to indecent people is a fool's game.
Because, see, right now it seems like Democrats aren't fighting. It seems like they've surrendered. And that sucks because the rest of us out here in the trenches haven't.