Anne Teutschel and Elizabeth McNelis in Heterosexuals

Jeff Kreisler and Elizabeth McNelis play games.
It's sexy, it's dark, it's funny. It's Heterosexuals, the new Rude Pundit play. Featuring comedian Jeff Kreisler, Anne Teutschel, and Elizabeth McNelis, it's two women, one man, and 80 minutes that might fuck you up. Or get you laid.
Here's another totally out of context line to tease ya:
"I went home, wet for myself on the L train, practically running upstairs in anticipation, saying damn the e-mail, screw you, Blackberry, throwing off my skirt and panties and going at it."
The Rude Pundit's 2005 Fringe Festival play sold out. Tickets are on sale now in New York City for $15 in advance, $18 at the door (and the Rude Pundit will be at every performance):
Click on the date to purchase tickets for the FringeNYC performances:
Tuesday, August 17 at 6:30 pm
Thursday, August 19 at 2 pm
Saturday, August 21 at 10 pm
Monday, August 23 at 8 pm
Wednesday, August 25 at 2 pm
All performances of Heterosexuals are at The Cherry Pit at 155 Bank Street.
You can also see Jeff Kreisler at the Fringe performing his one-man comedy Get Rich Cheating.
Oh, and, hey, here's the Rude Pundit this week with pre-lesbian Stephanie Miller: