
Donald Trump Still Sucks

My first thought when I heard someone attempted to assassinate former president and current GOP nominee Donald Trump was "Oh, for fuck's sake." My instinct was that, dead or alive, this would make Trump into a martyr and make his idiot hordes of MAGA freaks worship him that much more intensely. I don't think anyone is going to change their mind about voting for Trump because some fucknut almost offed him, but I do think that the fucknut guaranteed that more of those Trump-loving freaks will make the effort to vote. And I wouldn't be surprised if it provokes the cretins who have been waiting for an excuse to get crazier to think this is go time and causes more violence.

Republicans are absolutely giddy that this happened. You can tell from their orgasmically gleeful posts on social media, with Sen. JD "I'm a more vigorous leg-humper than you, Marco" Vance declaring that "The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” Others have piled on, blaming Biden, blaming Democrats, blaming anyone who ever said a negative word about their orange idol. It won't matter what we end up learning about the shooter. He's a registered Republican who loves guns? That won't slow the GOP's conspiracy-mongering one bit. He could have been hired by Don, Jr., and Republicans would still blame Joe Biden.

And there's this breathtaking bit of fuckery from Sen. Mike "I should be prosecuted in the fake electors scheme" Lee: "We’ve got to take the political temperature down, as evidenced by what happened in Pennsylvania today. We call on President Biden to immediately order that all federal criminal charges against President Trump be dropped, and to ask the governors of New York and Georgia to do the same. Such a gesture would help heal wounds and allow all Americans to take a deep breath and reflect on how we got here." Now that's taking an assassination attempt and making assassination-ade. A

It behooves all of us in this time of reflection to keep one thing in mind: Donald Trump still sucks. He's still a shitty human being. A convicted felon and rapist who gets shot at is still a convicted felon and rapist. He is also man who is out on bail and awaiting sentencing. He is still the same asshole who declares himself "your retribution" to his followers who have committed repeated acts of violence. He is still the same asshole who mocks Nancy Pelosi's husband for almost being murdered, who mocks Joe Biden for falling off his bike, who wants violent cops to be immune from prosecution, who calls for people to be beaten and jailed, who regularly says he wants the death penalty expanded, who wants to use the military to shoot protesters and shoplifters, who says he will defend everyone's ability to get the kind of gun that was used to nearly take him out, who brags he did nothing to stop the mass killing of children by guns, and whose views on migrants and trans people and others has caused spikes in violence agains those groups. And the vast majority of his party is one hundred percent with him and thus are one hundred percent as guilty as Trump is for creating an America where such violence is simply the Price of Freedom or some such shit.

Trump and GOP fucked around and almost found out. Their policies and beliefs pretty much guaranteed that something like this would happen. But the lesson they are going to take from this is not to ban the guns that allowed this to happen or, at the very least, tighten the requirements to buy the goddamn gun, the kind of gun that killed one person at the rally and injured others. No, the lesson they are going to take is to get even worse, to use this as a way to silence Democrats and the Biden campaign, intimidating them by wielding their supposed victimization like a gun pointed at the electorate. Democrats are already promising investigations and saying they won't criticize Trump and canceling rallies and ad buys. But the high road is bullshit, man, when the other side is digging the ground out from below you.

So, okay, fine, take a day or two, Democrats, to act like mensches. And then get right the fuck back to tearing Trump down. Despite what Vance and other syphilitic Republican whores say, we're all calling Trump a dictator and fascist because he said he's going to be a dictator and supports fascist policies. He's mused about changing when elections are held and "joked" about serving beyond a second term if he's elected, undermining our democratic system repeatedly. Fucker wants to round up millions of people working in this country, including children, and put them in camps. It's his big plan this time around. That's what authoritarians do. We're not making this shit up. We're listening to what Trump and his policy people say.

Fuck sympathy. I guarantee Trump'll be saying how Biden and "the Deep State" conspired to have him killed (leaving out, of course, that the Supreme Court said that Biden could totally do that). A thoughtful, reflective man might grow and change, evolve, even, after an incident like this. That is not Trump. He screamed, "Fight!" repeatedly after. He wanted his idiot hordes to riot for him, like he has before. I'd be shocked beyond shocked if he didn't continue in that vein.

I don't want Donald Trump to be murdered. I want him to lose the election so we can begin to purge his poisonous movement from our political system. I want him to go to prison for the very real crimes he committed and to have to pay the hundreds of millions of dollars in judgments he owes. I want him to have to live in disgrace and infamy for years before dying. Let's make sure that happens. 

(Note: I don't buy the idea that this was a false flag or some other conspiracy you're hearing from the left. Trump's not that good an actor. I do think it's hilarious to call it a false flag just to piss off MAGA goons who call every mass shooting that.)